
Showing posts from 2003
Wow, been a few days. I feel a little binged out on sweets. I have not eaten well so far for the holidays, but that changes tomorrow. My last run was Friday and I will run again tomorrow. I am tired of this missing workouts, but the trip to Indiana interfered and messed with my eating habits. That is ok, cause I am getting better overall and am in go shape to enter the new year with a better outlook, attitude and program.
Ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill tonight and my knee doesn't feel to great, but otherwise had a great workout. I am really looking forward to Christmas. I miss Amanda and am looking forward to visiting with her for a few days. I hate it that she can't go to Florida, but we will enjoy the trip nonetheless. Got to get ready to leap into the knew year flying. I fully intend for 2004 to be a totfit year. I can't wait to kick some booty next year. I will stay somehow healthy. I will run at least two days a week to four and by March will be working out six days a week aerobically and three otherwise. Just Do It the TOTFIT way. Work the mind, body and spirity. Be aware!
My Yahoo! Haven't posted in a couple of days. Getting ready for the Rudolph Run here in Nashville, TN in the morning. This will be my first official 5K since my botched knee surgery almost three years ago. It has been a long time healing, but I am so looking forward to the run. Plans for the new year include getting in better shape than I have ever been. I will run at least 500 miles and bike 1000. This shouldn't be too hard to do, but yet it sets a goal that will keep me busy. Workwise I am still not sure what I am going to do, but I think science is the field of my future for teaching. I will like the NIKE commercial is famous for saying Just Do It with any task I face.
Haven't posted in a bit. Things are rolling right along. A week from today, I will be running the Rudolph Red Nosed Run here in Nashville, Tennessee. First 5K in three and a half years. My knee is finally in pretty good shape and though I'll be far from the front of the pack, I should complete in a decent time, under the 30 minute barrier anyway. Looking forward to a good workout this morning and a relaxing weekend. Will try and schedule as follows. Run today, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday. I can't wait!
Cool Running :: totsob's running log Well, had a pretty decent run today. I am satisfied with my progress so far in all areas. I have been slowly building fitness and slowly losing weight, but that is the plan leading into the new year. I am so satisfied thus far with the results. I wish my goals were the same career-wise. I am in a funk with teaching and am just not sure where I am heading. I dread going in every day and really can't see myself continuing on with the same attitude. I hate paperwork and don't feel any real connection anymore. Is it just that I am in the same routine of a couple of years and change? Well, I will just see what happens.
Great workout last night. I went ahead and payed for 15 months at the gym. Have dropped a few 5-7 pounds over the past couple of months, so feel good about Thanksgiving. I am psyched about building workouts for the New Year. Today, a busy day in the yard and around the house. Just Do It!
Had a great day yesterday. We biked yesterday morning about 15 miles. Beautiful day, pulling Rad in the trailer. Went and watched girls college basketball tournament at Treveca College yesterday also. Good relaxing day. Looks like I will be relaxing in the leaves today. Lot's of ugh, yardwork to do today. I will head to the gym for a workout also. Need to get busy.
My Yahoo! Well, horrible day at school today trying to catch up after being out for a couple of days. I can't wait for the Thanksgiving weekend. I am working up to the 5K, Rudolph Red Nosed Run, Nashville, Tennessee. Work out tomorrow is going to be full steam.
Going back to school today and am fabulously happy, not! I just can't seem to feel motivated to return to work. I hope everything was ok at school. Looking forward to a good workout tonight.
Cool Running :: totsob's running log Well, finally got a nice 3.5 mile run in around New Castle, IN. I really enjoyed the run. My knees need a little nursing, but after a warm-up, they feel ok. I will keep on running. I have planned to run a 5K in December. The Rudolph Red Nosed Run is a fun run and it will feel good to do the first 5K in about 3+ years due to botched knee surgery. I am back though and will keep on trucking
My Yahoo! Well a nice morning in Indiana after travelling here for my wife's aunt's funeral. Will try and get a run and workout in this morning before the funeral. I hate funerals and at first tried to make excuses as to why I should stay at home, but alas I travelled. The good thing is that this trip will suffice until Christmas. I haven't had a long run since last Monday and only played basketball with the Middle School team Friday for my only other recreation of the whole week. Must get busy.
The Fowlers Hey check this page out. We are the Fowler's.
My Excite Hey just thought I would write a little bit in my blog today. I feel a little lazy and blobbish. I haven't done anything since Friday, playing basketball with the middle school team. I'll keep on blogging and really hit the working out hard Tuesday when I get back.
Wow, I am missing a few features with this browser, I do believe. Had a terrible day at school today. I almost feel like I am finished and haven't even gotten started. Well, still don't know what I will do when I grow up. I will work out hard every day from now on. That I do know. Well, got to scrimmage the boys basketball team tomorrow. That should be fun, hopefully. Rambling on and on today. Well got to go for now. I am scatttterrrrred.
Well, another day begins in the quest for getting the most out of life possible. I will succeed just for today! I will workout this evening at Gold's. Got to get as much going as possible before the first of the year then it is step it up time. Now is the time to build up until that point. Let's do it.
Wonder why life and emotions are so complex. Seems I have settled so much over the years however. If age does anything positive, it seems to settle the sharpness of life and make things a little less "harried". I am so glad just to be who and what I am at this moment and know that however much I may stray that I have a focus on what I feel I need to be successful in my own terms, not matter how hapless it may seem in the "real world". I am satisfied with me!
Heading to the pool with the Radster. I love my son and we will get it going today. Today he will swim. Let's do it.
Morning World! Feeling fairly groovy after a good nights sleep and great workout yesterday eve. I think I'll be able to keep these workouts scheduled in such a way that I should at least be ready for the Rudolph Rednosed Run 5K. Today have to visit my Nephew's going away party. We'll miss him. Going into the navy. Well, son wants to watch Nemo, so we got to go.
Well, feel pretty well after the workout last night. I hope I am back on track after the short lapse. Things are really going so well right now, but time is so short. I will make fitness my top priority.
Excellent workout tonight. I was a little tired during my run on the treadmill, though I did keep it up. I am going to burn, burn, burn. I am going to continue to eat right and do right!
Well, I'll write a little bit today to vent. I haven't been working out the way I intended to, but I will burst forward from now on. I will work out every day no matter what. I will eat super well no matter what. If there is anything I need to change I will change it. View my family site sometime if you get the chance. Well, here goes another post
Wow, haven't posted here in a while, but last times I have posted, I have had problems with the publishing. The problem is probably me and I'll keep trying.
Well, nother good morning to start early. Going to a movie tonight and feel that all will be well. I am going to run three miles in a bit at the gym. Treadmill's aren't the best, but it is better than nothing. Got to go.
Wow, I am just worn out today and did no physical activity this evening. I will run tomorow and Saturday for sure. I don't know if I am losing any weight, but I feel just a little thinner. May be transferring muscle for fat, but I must keep up the running and working out, cause not only is it good for the bod, but its keeping sane. Teachers, especially older new teachers need all the help they can find staying sane.
Why doesn't the whole thing come up here when I publish with opera as oppossed to ie6. The site editor is totally different. I don't know if it is really better or worse. I'll have to preview to see if the apples or oranges are different.
Well Just trying to add a little fun to my page this morning. I am not sure how this is going to work, but think I'll try it anyway. I am once again goint for a good workout today, may get motivated and go early this morning. I am going in at 7:00AM today. I have decided my office hours start at 7:00 every day and I get out at 4:00 on the dot.
Well, did a little shopping and had dinner out with the family. I just love Kim's new car and she deserves it. I had a very good three mile run, just worried a bit about my knee still. Hope all works out.
Now I have decided that this will be the blog address I use. I think I have figured this out now and I shouldn't have to use such language again as earlier. I had a good day at school up until 7th period, and it almost fell apart. Getting ready to go out for a three miler to clear my head and my heart. The wife bought a new car yesterday and is enjoying it I am sure. Guess we may tool around tonight. Hmm, curious about email addresses like
Woops, sorry about the bleeping, guess it just didn't publish right away or maybe I needed to refresh.
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck..... I have already been bleeping now I am tired of it I can't get this bleeping thing to publish.
Monday, Monday Well is this bleep thing going to publish. Let's see what happens this time. Going to have a good workout and eating day today guaranteed. This better work. I have tried three times to get this to publish and haven't had success thus far. I don't have unlimited time in the mornings to play around. Relax, hmmmm, breath deep. Kick butt at school and my workout today. Going to postpone two evaluations today and move on towards something else.
Well here I am starting a new blog at a new address. I am not sure what or where or how I am going to use this, but here goes. Have been just getting back into running again and ran 3 miles, three days last week. Hopefully, this week will be a week for burning it up. I am looking to lose at least 10 pounds by the first of the year and we'll see what happens. Intro- I am a 44 year old second year teacher married to a principal with a two year old boy that lives at home and a 15 year old girl that lives with her mother. Home is Nashville, Tennessee.