
Showing posts from April, 2012

Kicking Again

Well, after being down for the summer and fall with a Femoral Stress Fracture, I am back up and kicking again. Have my eye on a Half in the fall and training now to build a good base prior to starting training for the half. Ran 10K training yesterday in under 2 hours around a 9:35 or so pace. My leg feels pretty decent. I am going to be really cautious for the next couple of months concentrating on a good base, then start a training program just for the Half. The way it appears now, the start of the training program will be less stressful and a drop possibly than what I will be doing just prior. Have dropped about 5lbs or so from my "Winter" weight and would like to drop at least 8 more prior to the Half. I want to keep a weight around 145-147, but under 150 regardless. This will allow me a better chance of running and keeping injure free.