
Showing posts from January, 2011


“The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.” -- A. A. Milne 

First Day or 2011

Well, happy new year. I am beginning the new year slowly with the only primary “resolve” is to increase my fitness and nutrition and find peace. Now these may not seem measurable goals, though I have specifics in mind to which I WILL adhere. For one thing I will spend more time in retrospection and study as opposed to mindless internet activities. Now this also is part of my resolve. I guess to put it shortly 2011 is the year of TOTFIT and the beginning of the lifestyle. My goal for the day is to get a three mile run in and to get some things done around the house. I have already begun by working some in the “man cave” and will continue as the day goes on. Tomorrows goal will be church for one. I will be the best husband, father, son, relative and friend also that I can be. I will work on keeping anxieties to a minimum. Well, ran 4 miles on a cloudy day. It was a nice relaxing first day of the year. The intent of the run was for the Greenway which was flooded. I instead ran from the Gr...

Happy New Year

I start the new year with no "major" goals. I would just like to continue on the path on which I have chosen and improve generally. I guess in most aspects, "Life is Good". Hopefully, I will begin this year to put my thoughts more in writing, just not sure if here or elsewhere.. To all, a Happy New Year around the globe..