Crank it up to the New Year

Time to crank it up entering the New Year. I am starting to set new goals and getting myself in condition to really start cranking next year physically. I am now exactly where I want to be in life. I have the job and family that fits. I have finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up and am doing it. I am merely 48 after all. Life is good and it is time to start looking at going from good physical condition to excellent. It is time to look at areas where I would like to contribute in my own small way to the greater good. I will get there and I will make that contribution. I think we can all contribute here in the US by not buying into the overconsumption game. It is vital that we conserve so that there will be a good sustainable life for all. It is time that we toss aside greed rather than going to war to sustain a lifestyle that is unsustainable. Where I will concentrate my efforts I know not, but it will most likely be toward environmental preservation and social justice.