
Showing posts from January, 2006


My latest passion these days is Ubuntu Linux. I have just about fully converted from using Micorosoft at all to using this Linux Distro exclusivly as my operating system of choice. I really love this package enough to try and get involved and support its distribution and enhancements in the future. Ubuntu is an African word for "Humanity to others". This is a totally free package that includes operation system and software for daily computer tasks. I highly recommend it.

Moving On 2006

Well, the new year is moving right along. Been sick for a week, but better now. While I was planning on running a half marathon, I must change the plan for now. Wife will be out of town the planned weekend leaving me with the four year old. Oh well, may not really have been a good idea anyway. Work is up and down. Not sure that I want to be doing quality assurance for concrete from now on. Well, we will see what happens.

Gonna Run A Half Marathon

Yep, that's right, 13.1 miles. Decided to do the half at the Country Music Marathon in Nashville, TN. The run will be end of April so I should have plenty of time to prepare. I am not going to try and smoke it, just finish it. Off to a decent start this year running so far. I am just going to slowly build up for the run. Ran four days last week, just 12.5 miles total, but that is the way I want to start. I may only run three days a week for the rest of this month to make sure I am starting to get a good base down and avoid injury. Main thing is to do this for the long haul.

Start of the New Year

Well, to begin a new year with a fresh perspective and a clear head! Happy New Years to all and a wish for new wonders to fill your worlds. I would hope that we will finally come to some peace in the middle east and learn to keep our meddling hands out of it. I hope to reach a level of fitness that I haven't had since the 90's. While I am fit I could still find room for improvement. I hope that I can find more spiritual clues in my life and the connectedness of all. Above all, I hope to eat healthy foods that are lower on the food chain and consume less materially than in past. Above all I hope to live simply so that others might simply live and give back to my fellow man more than I receive. Happy New Year from the Fowlers.