
Showing posts from 2006

Florida Camping Coming Up!

Well, time to head for the camping extravaganza. Once again we will head for Jonathon Dickinson State Park near Jupiter, Florida. There will be much biking, beach time and the ringing in of the new year on the beach. We will also do a bit of canoeing. I am psyched for the upcoming year and intend to make it the best so far.

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays everyone. I have thus far thoroughly enjoyed the holidays, but have eaten way too much junk. That will change. I will allow myself to splurge a bit on Christmas day and then it is time to seriously tighten up. I have way over done it and piled on a few pounds. It makes running not nearly so enjoyable and the over consumption is contrary to the way I believe. Looking toward the positive adaptations of behavior.

Bah Humbug :-)

I really hate to feel this way, but I do. I have spent the day wrapping presents that go way beyond any real "sense" in giving. My son at five is getting way more than he will really be able to even deal with. I haven't much input in the matter as my wife and the grandparents will overload him no matter what. I just look for this all to be done and spending the week after camping and ringing in the new year in peace.

Got to Go

Well, today is the day that I kick into high gear. I have finally decided no longer will I participate in any profession which contributes to overconsumption, outlandish uncontrolled growth, or environmental degradation. Persuit of enlightnement and tuning of body, mind, and spirit is the charge from hence forth. This persuit is only possible of course in positive contribution to my fellow man and the planet on which we live. I am sickened and angry that us the United States has fallen so far into the overconsuming pigs that we are. I WILL be a force in the other direction. From Old Family Pics


 This is from our trip to Chattanooga. The Hummer typifies the greed and waste of many of us. Be an innovative American not an American pig.
Well, let's see how this works from Linux Picasa.  

Sick All Week

Have had the "crud" all week and am hopefully just resting today to get it done and gone. I hate it on a Sunday with nothing else in the way not to at least get a run in for the day, but looks like no run today. Oh well, rest and prepare for the week ahead.

Wow, Time Flies: The Little Camper

Hard to believe the little camper is older now. Still small, just not as small. We need to do it again soon. 

Got To Work It

Been a while since I have had a regular workout routine. Work schedule has gotten in the way and I have to just make time. I will make time tomorrow and get on a better schedule one way or the other.

Amanda Soccer

Wow, looks like blogger is working with Opera now. I have had problems from time to time and just thought I would try an experiment. Well, I'll have to look at writing more at a later date.

Where to From Here?

Once again I find myself in a regrouping situation. Lost it at work a couple of weeks ago and resigned. Now, I was justified in being angry, but resigning was not a rightous act, but more an angry self-rightous act. Well, guess I just need to see where I go from here. I have much to be grateful for, but can't seem to stay settled. I am trying lexapro for the anxiety. Seems to be helpful. I do know this, I will keep moving forward in spite of the step back I just took . Life is still great, now matter how I get in the way at times.


I can't believe my daughter is graduation from High School this weekend. I will travel to graduation with mixed emotions. While I split with her mother when she was barely one year old we have maintained quite a relationship over the years. I am proud, excited, saddened, exillerated and a bit depressed at the thought that my "little girl" is now really quite a young woman. Well, maybe I should look at it as a grand new chapter in both or our lives. And there is still little brother Rad who does live with me. :-)

Birthday Party for One

Well, there really aren't many settings here with Opera, but I will just plunge into it anyway. Today is my birthday, that Wife and daughter didn't remember. Shouldn't have been a big deal as I have had more than my share of birthdays, but it was a big deal. I did do a three mile run and left work a bit early, so all was not lost. Well, here's to 47 years on the planet. :-)

Pump It Up

I am starting now once again to pump it up. I have been too engrossed in other things to work out consistently, but now it the time. I really haven't done "bad" in quite a while, but I am not at nearly the level I would like to be. Yes, I am older and a bit slower, but that damn sure doesn't mean I can't get better. Oh, and by the way, Ubuntu Linux rocks!

Get Off the Tube

Wow, I must get off the computer. I have recently installed Ubuntu Linux and love it. Problem is that I find myself continually looking for more things to tweak. Just got my Epson Perfection3490 installed and finally consider this project together. Now for getting a life. This weekend is "guys weekend". That is the build up I give the four year old when his mother is out of town. We will start the evening after picking him up from school with "Chineese". This is our favorite and not his mothers. We will probably rent a movie and tomorrow go to the Y. I will definately spend quality time with him and we will have a great weekend. I need to get physical. I will commit to at least three running days a week for the month and increase to four next month. I slowed down a bit this week, but of course I had some physical ailments as "excuses". Anyway up with Ubuntu and up with exercise. Let's see what the guy's weekend will bring.


My latest passion these days is Ubuntu Linux. I have just about fully converted from using Micorosoft at all to using this Linux Distro exclusivly as my operating system of choice. I really love this package enough to try and get involved and support its distribution and enhancements in the future. Ubuntu is an African word for "Humanity to others". This is a totally free package that includes operation system and software for daily computer tasks. I highly recommend it.

Moving On 2006

Well, the new year is moving right along. Been sick for a week, but better now. While I was planning on running a half marathon, I must change the plan for now. Wife will be out of town the planned weekend leaving me with the four year old. Oh well, may not really have been a good idea anyway. Work is up and down. Not sure that I want to be doing quality assurance for concrete from now on. Well, we will see what happens.

Gonna Run A Half Marathon

Yep, that's right, 13.1 miles. Decided to do the half at the Country Music Marathon in Nashville, TN. The run will be end of April so I should have plenty of time to prepare. I am not going to try and smoke it, just finish it. Off to a decent start this year running so far. I am just going to slowly build up for the run. Ran four days last week, just 12.5 miles total, but that is the way I want to start. I may only run three days a week for the rest of this month to make sure I am starting to get a good base down and avoid injury. Main thing is to do this for the long haul.

Start of the New Year

Well, to begin a new year with a fresh perspective and a clear head! Happy New Years to all and a wish for new wonders to fill your worlds. I would hope that we will finally come to some peace in the middle east and learn to keep our meddling hands out of it. I hope to reach a level of fitness that I haven't had since the 90's. While I am fit I could still find room for improvement. I hope that I can find more spiritual clues in my life and the connectedness of all. Above all, I hope to eat healthy foods that are lower on the food chain and consume less materially than in past. Above all I hope to live simply so that others might simply live and give back to my fellow man more than I receive. Happy New Year from the Fowlers.