
Showing posts from 2005

Close Out The Year

Wow, what a year it has been. I am truly glad that I will spend a sober relaxing New Years Eve with my family. While I haven't upheld my "totfit" attitude near 100% of the time this year, I have made great progress and have done fairly well. I am looking forward to having an even better 2006. Just about all areas of my life are going superbly at the moment. I guess I am still looking for further insight and fullness in these areas, but they are great nonetheless. I wish all a safe eve and a wonderful and fullfilling new year.


Support our troops. Bring them home

Get Up and Run

Once again it has been a while since I have written here. Main goal for tomorrow is to get up and run. Think I will go to the gym after work and run on the treadmill. Two times this week and a minimum of three times a week for the rest of the year. Life is good and my spirituality is now beginning to incorporate Christianity. Where this will lead I am not sure, but mostly I am seeking to maintain mind, body, and spritual balance.

Rolling Along

Well, all is well in Nashville with the Fowlers. Life is truly good. Sometimes things move a little slowly, but slow I can handle. I am grateful that I am fit and we are doing well. The one thing I would like to begin doing is writing a little more. I know that as things go if I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and point myself in the right direction then life will always progress in a positive flow. Currently, fall soccer season for 4yo Radnor is in the works. Coaching 3 and 4 year olds is a hoot. It is really a bit like herding cats. While there are certainly big contributions one could make in the world, I will at least try and make small ones toward a collective good. Well, really just rambling now, rolling along.
Life is good.

Emperor's Club

Wow, just watched the Emperor's Club. It was truly a thought provoking moview. Is anyone these days truly that moral. It really gives me some thoughts as to just what I want to show my young son as far as moral courage and honesty. This thinking is so far from my days past of running from everything drunk. I will get through and find out what total fitness truly is and is not and just where moral courage and honesty fits in. Yes, these traits are most certainly a part of fitness.

Slightly Down

Been a little blue lately. Don't know if it is that I am getting older, unsatisfied with my job, or it is just an after shot of several months of sobriety and a what next feeling. I know one thing the summer heat is really getting to me at work. I am not sure that I want to work another day in the shop, not sure what I want to do. On a positive note, today was Rad's first day of school. It is hard to believe that we have a 4 yo boy at 46. Life is good though, just a little flat ate the moment.

When the Volcano Blows............

Well, what to do on this fine Sunday in Nashville, TN. The plan at first was a nice long tandem ride pulling our son in a trailer, but once again it looks like the wife is backing out, "cause she has to ge some work done." Well, better her than me. I am going to do something fun!

This is the One!

Open Eyes, Open Heart, Open Mind, Feeling Fine Great run this afternoon. Things are really looking up in the fitness department and life in general for that matter. Life is so good I just can't stand it. Well, got to go for now. boog si efil

Life is Still Great

Home alone with the almost 4yo terror named Rad. Mom is in Macon, GA for the weekend in further pursuit of her Doctorate, upon which she will be nicknamed "Dr. Love", instead of her current title of just "Love". Didn't get to run today as I didn't want to leave Rad home alone. Will make my run in the morning. Todays event is primarily the pool. We have both cleaned up our respective messes, so I may surprise Rad with attending the new Batman movie. Yes, just a steady tour through life at the moment. All is well.

Tasks For the Day

Today will most likely be a very slowwww day at work. I do hope it will be a little slow anyway. Going to get home and run at least 3 miles today maybe a bit more. My major home task will be to straighten the closet in my wife's bathroom. Wifey is not a whole lot of help around the house these days what with principaling an inner city elementary school and working on her Doctorate. Leaves me a lot of time to take care or our almost 4yo son, keeping him out of the way. Seems the house stays typically strewed no matter what. Course my energy level is up and down at times as a middle aged parent (46). Oh well, enough whining. It should be a beautiful day here.

Great Run

Well, don't know if I will ever really be able to call myself a runner again, but I will keep running. Just ran a great slow four miler in a drizzling rain. Getting older doesn't make things any easier. Just have to get accustomed to the lack of spring in the legs and a few aches and pains. Still, there is nothing better for the good feeling running gives. Its a rainy day here in Nashville, Tennessee. Guess I will take my boy to the mall to get him out of the house and go to home depot for some household items. Much of the day unfortunately will be spent doing household chores. Oh well, could be much worse. Could be living on the street I guess. :-) Really, life is good.

Start Writing

Been away for a while. I will be back more often I promise. Life is good or Boog si efil if you are looking at the words in a mirror. There are several times in a booze stupor that I would have never imagined that I would be right here in life at this moment. At this moment my son is in my lap wanting to type his name, so here goes:R Well, he didn't get to far with Radnor, the phone rang and then his mom arrived with Jack in the Box. Well, more will be revealed. Till next time.
Now this is the way to start a day. Tomorrow is my week starting bike to work week. I have been sober for some time now and am beginning my weight cutting. I am going to take off about 10 pounds so that I will be light on my feet running. "Boog si elif" 

Been a While and Life is Great

Well, it has been a while. I am moving forward still searching a little in the spiritual realm. Don't have much for now, though it has been an odd day for me. I think I haven't been getting enough rest as of late. It caught up with me today. Thank G it is the weekend. I will get some sleep tomorrow. Soccer game for Rad in the morn and yard work all afternoon. Got to go for now.

Back to the Blog

Well, haven't been writing as I should. Life is flowing nicely at this time. I have been staying the course for the most part as of late. Took six days off running, but ran yesterday. My biggest dilemma at this juncture is whether to replace running with some other form of aerobic exercise, ie. bicycling, swimming, or the elliptical trainer. Those aren't really terribly perplexing problems, so yes, life is just fine. At 45 and after a botched knee surgery, I always have some aches after each run. It takes a while before the pain stops when I begin my runs and about a day before it goes away. Not really substancial pain, just aches that I associate with being older. I wonder if all older runners experience these typical aches. Oh well, my problems are small. My wife is busy with her school and Doctoral program and I am just cruising through life. I joked about Law School when her program is done. Until then, I need to be available for extra time with Rad, our three year old. I ...

Been trying to Post

Well, let's see if this works. I think in IE the pop up blocker has gone haywire. Let's see how this works.

Look to the Good

Today I will focus on the good things in life. Life is really a great experience, I wonder why it is that I/we focus on the small negative events so much. We waste so much energy mulling small events that it takes valuable time away from the wonders we have. Sometimes, I believe that negativity may have some chemical or physical basis. A result of the food we eat, excercise or lack of and lack of proper rest. From there though we can get on a mental path that is hard to avert. I think simple things such as looking at the things one is grateful for is a way to get out of this. Life is great! Intellect can be a hindrance to enjoying things if you use it the wrong way. I think I need to concentrate intellect on becoming curious about the good things we have. Other that the science of how we got here at this present day one must look at the fact that there is still much inexplicable in the scientific real. How did the first atom get here. There is definately a supernatural, or somethin...

Let It Go!

There is a not too bright busy body at work that is getting on my nerves. He is a nice guy but the biggest ass kisser I know. He tries at times to tell me what to do and he doesn't have a clue. I just don't know why he irritates me so much. Oh well, time to leave it. Been running regularly, but my right hip is beginning to bother me some. I'll try and run tomorrow, but may start doing the elliptical trainer more and run less. I think the hip may be bothering me, because I have over-adjusted my stride as a result of the problem I had with my left knee. Will keep on working it and see. My wife is on her way home. She was heading to Macon for class and it was cancelled. Oh boy, what will we do. She is really stressed lately. Actually, I was looking forward to baching it with my 3yo boy this weekend. Oh well, plans are ruined :-). Guess I had better get ready for them to arrive.

Busy Work Week Little Running Time

Well, looks like it is going to be a very busy week at work. I have planned and will go to the gym to work out no less than Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. This is the crunch point where I will have to make a point of pushing the workout above the mental games that come after extra hours at work. It is also a time that I will have to overlook the urge to snack badly for extra energy and instead come up with a good snack. I was relieved with my wife's comment that I was her best friend yesterday. We have been having some problems lately and that helps. Why are we our own worst enemies? Great Spirit of the Universe, thank you for being my friend.

It's Saturday!

Wow, going to visit my daughter today. Really looking forward to the trip. I am hoping I get a chance to workout this afternoon. I haven't put all of my running mileage in this week and am hoping to get it done. I am determined to somehow get on a path and stay there. I got a raise at work today. I cannot believe it. Total surprise. Nice to know one is appreciated. A little at a loss for words today. The things I will concentrate on for now are family, fitness and eating properly. These trips to Georgia are always bad for the eathing thing. Well off to explore the web a little more.
Well Just something to think about if I ever want to drink again. Things went real well today. Ran a 5K on the treadmill at the gym. Easy does it, but I am going to do it. 
Here we go! 

Once Again :-(

Well, seems as if I am still in a pattern of doing this every couple of months or three. I drank again on Friday and Saturday with a consequence I just don't want to discuss. Though it wasn't as bad a binge as I have been on, I did certainly dissappoint my wife and don't know if she has faith that I will ever permanently keep sober. Well, looking ahead I ran four miles last Thursday and will run three today. I am not too far behind in my fitness work, so the drink episode didn't hurt that. Wow, I need some plan to continually get some face to face support. I really just don't know what I will do. I will continue with my runs at least three times a week till February, then will increase a bit. I have no desire to drink right now and am planning to take Antabuse for a year anyway. Maybe after that I will have established some better patterns for staying sober. I have been doing a fairly good job eating so far through the year and will continue to watch my diet...

Start Writing

I haven't been writing as much as I really need to write. Things have been going fairly well, though I need to start working on some socialization and getting more actively involved in church and Sierra Club, etc. Been working out and eating pretty good, though seemed not to have lost any weight, maybe even gained. I will drop down to 150 lbs no matter what I have to do. My primary consideration though is physical fitness and am running no less than 3 days per week this month, then four next month then possibly five the nexe. Had a great four miler yesterday at 6mph on the treadmill. Well, better go before I am late for work.

Things Are Moving Along

Honda Element. That is what we bought for my wife to drive this weekend. Nice ride. I think it is a vehicle people would either love or hate, but it is a vehicle for our family. Did a 5K run this afternoon and feel pretty good. I have been having brief moments of stinking thinking and the runs always put me in a better place. Did a recovery workshop this weekend, though only half the Saturday session. I really enjoyed it. I am still looking for the right balance in addressing the sleeping alcohol issue, though the nicotine issue is also present from time to time. Been doing well in those respects and am currently concentration more on eating and physical workouts. Well, I am nodding off. Bedtime!

Moving Right Along

Thus far things are moving right along this year and all is well. I have comfortably settled into life finally. I think that with balance all will be fine and I want again ever use a chemical adjustment ie. alcohol. My current workout program seems to be a fit for me. Currently, I am just trying to find the balance between cross training and running. As I age I have noticed as in yesterdays run, that the bones jar a little more than when younger and the muscles do not have their spring. Running still works magic for fitness however, fitness of mind and body. My cross training for now is primarily bicycling, but I am going to add elliptical trainer and I think the pool would be a good idea on rest days. Haven't done any pool work in a while, but might give it a go. Let's see there are several other things to discuss such as eating: right now just practicing modification and portion control. Need to also have a spiritual discourse, but this article is not the place and don...

5K on Treadmill Today

Well, another day another aerobic workout. I am just going to take it fairly slow, develope consitency and stay healthy. I WILL somehow get down around or under 150 lbs. Rad is with some friends going to a movie, so mom and I had sex and we are getting ready to go to a movie and dinner. Life is good!

Great 1st Day of New Year

Well, biked 15 miles today and really enjoyed time with Rad and Kim. Kim and I started "Purpose Driven Life" tonight. We will read and ponder for the 40 days as we have agreed to and told others I would do (my daughter, June: a lady I met on a plane who sent me the book). We are both skeptics, but I think Kim is really a hard case. Bob Jones University really gave her a thick skin when it comes to spirituality and religion. Well, life is moving forward and today I had a day which correlates to my version of total fitness. One day at a time staying or moving toward practice of total fitness.

Happy New Year!

Well, I am ready for the new year. I am looking forward to blowing the doors off of life beginning now. Life is a wonderful experience and I plan on taking advantage of it. Today we will take a bike ride through town in Nashville and let Rad think about playing in the fountains. He thinks he will, but the temp is borderline. Life is good ! :-)