
Showing posts from December, 2004

Almost the New Year

Looking forward to the New Year with a lot of hope for a Total Fitness burst. Have been slowly building this year especially during the Fall and feel that I am ready to begin a cosistent and somewhat rigorous fitness regime to become at 45 the fittest I have ever been in the coming year. This will also involve changes in my diet, and building productive routings. I am looking forwad to meeting my goals in the coming year. This weekends goals are a workout and run today and a couple of Tandem rides with my wife this weekend. The weather here is really nice and I am glad that it looks as if we will have the opportunity for a New Years Day ride.

Things A OK!

Well, all is going well for now. I have thus far eaten well for the past couple of days. I ran three miles yesterday and am just chilling out tonight. I thought about going to an AA meeting tonight, but I am just too much comfortably at home. Don't know what is on the boob tube tonight, but I may just read instead. I am not really too interested in watching television. One thing I could do is work on my calander. Work is going ok and my feelings at the moment are that there is no use trying to gain any illicit pleasures from getting away with something because I am "home alone". After all the reality is that there is no pleasure from the illicit. There may be temporary excitement, always followed by confusion, disgust, angst, anguish and pain. What I am doing now is in stead building momentum to move into the coming year.

Ho Ho Ho!

Well, it is Christmas eve and I have to get Santa ready soon. Rad is in the tub, doing his rub-a-dub-dub. I am glad I am at home sober and not in a pub. Hope everyone is having a happy holiday. Though earlier I was a little tired and felt ill, I am much better now. Looking forward to seeing Amanda.
Rad and Santa. Rad seems a little subdued, but it is only at the moment. He's a head banger, can't you tell? :-) 
Amanda and Santa 

Slow Sunday

Well, today is a slow Sunday. I am just chilling, computering, wrapping presents, and hanging our. Tomorrow is once again totally sober date of one month. No harmful mood altering substances taken in by this guy. I have been doing fairly well on the workout scale also, but will start burning it up tomorrow. I am really looking forward to the holidays and the Fowler's are in the spirit. Well enough for now, will do a little later.

Middle Tennessee Group

Middle Tennessee Group This is the Sierra Club of Middle Tennessee. Keep it green!

Glorious Sunday

Well, it is a relaxing Sunday upon which I woke way too early. I am truly sober today and look forward to a day of just working around the house, watching the Colts at noon and watching my son in a Christmas production and having dinner at my wife's church. I will run two miles at the gym today just to get the kinks out. I am content and happy of late. I just rolled over as a permanent employee at work today and things are looking good. My New Years priorities are fitness (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual) and family. LIFE IS GOOD!

Write More

I really need to write/journal more to make sure I am keeping up with what is going on with me. I think self-awareness is very important for anyone that had ever had problems with any kind of addiction. Since I am only 2.5 weeks past the last week binge I really need to look out. Life is going smoothly for the moment, but for some reason I seem to have some anxiety. Could be my system still straightening out after a week of alcohol consumption. I hope that I can find some answers that will help me keep the plug in the jug, though I know it is ultimately up to me. I am in a good Christmas spirit. All of my shopping is done and I am happy to say that I am pleased with the results. This Saturday wifey and I have a date and next Saturday we go out with my fellow workers and bowl. We'll see how that goes. I just got back from an outside three miler, that was a fairly good run. I have for the past couple of weeks anyway been consistent. If it weren't for the drinking I think I...

Starting the Week

Well, starting the new workweek. Put up the x-mas tree yesterday and the smell this morning is wonderful. I am running a little late already this morning as I am slow getting moving. I slept like a dream last night. Don't remember a thing from closing my eyes till the alarm went off this morning. Happy to have found a new group of recovery folks on the internet: Recovery Options@ Yahoo. Well the plan for the week is work, and to run MWF. Am actually already looking forward to the run this afternoon. Well, better get moving.
It is I! 

Finally A New Post

Can't decide where I want to keep my journal. Well, I guess I will just keep it here and will keep it public or not depending on how I feel about what I say. Have been limping along for years on the sobriety issue. I have been "mostly" sober, but have had several lapses and they are at the rate of about four a year for the past ten years probably. Though this could be worse it is really unacceptable as any binge could possible be an end all. I am now following a mantra of "intuitive sobriety". I am really going to try and be aware of what is going on with me internally and follow my instincts. Part of this is going to be associated with getting honest with at least my mate as to what is going on with me at any given time. I am also going to take Antabuse for a year, which will require getting a regular personal doctor. I am very happy with life at this time, so I certainly don't want to screw it up, but I still have thoughts popping into my head about the la...