
Showing posts from January, 2004
Well, back in the saddle again. After the short little lapse, I feel better than ever. After considering resigning my teaching position, I had the best week all year. I ran 3 miles yesterday, walked two today and had a full work out with a 3 mile run at the gym on Wednesday. We are going back to the same spot in Florida for Spring Break at which we spent our winter break. John Dickerson State Park is a fine place to camp, by some really nice beaches. Can't wait to go. I must remember TOTFIT involves body, mind, and spirit.
Wow, can't believe it has been this long posting. Since the last post, have had a lapse, gone to detox, but alas am back to "normal". Drank for four days beginning with a "teaching crisis". Things now are actually quite good again. I had a great workout and run yesterday and will continue on the path.
Back from paradise! Had a wonderful vacation at John Dickinson State Park on the east coast of South Florida. Seven days of nice workouts in a wonderful location without one day missed! Five days of fabulous bike rides and beach swims and two days of nice runs 3 plus miles each, one barefoot on the beach and one on the boardwalk at Crandon Park in Miami. This vacation was just what I needed to set the tone for a fit 2004. I took a break yesterday, most spent in the car travelling back, but I am shortly to head out the door today for a 3 miler or so. We also spent a couple of days stroking a canoe, so I had some good all around workouts minus weights or machines. I am tan and motivated for 2004.